Tina and Faith recently ran the Brighton Marathon
Here are a few words from Tina:
“Well we did it! But was so tough! The first half went to plan until I fell at about 12 miles in and banged my knee. Though some very kind people picked me up, it shook me up a bit and was quite sore. The weather was sooooo hot and actually turned out to be the hottest day of the year so far at 21 degrees!!! Lots of runners suffered from the heat but it also showed the running community at it’s best: runners helping others and literally carrying strangers over the line! Also my Garmin packed up and I dropped my jelly babies. However amazing support from the crowds and amazing views and I finished it! My time was about 4.56 I think – about 30 minutes off my PB but this seemed to be the case for many others that day thanks to the weather. Faith did brilliantly despite the heat!”
Tina James